Reviewer: Lucy Langley
Website Reviewed: California Psychics
Recently I’ve been asked quite a lot if CaliforniaPsychics.com are any good, now you can find out in my California Psychics review below!
This network has been around since 1995 and has been gaining in popularity, especially in the last few years and I’ve been using them since 2010.
Although as the name suggests they are based in California, they do provide readings to people all around the world.
In this review I will tell you everything you need to know about this site and their readers, who are the best psychics on California psychics, as well as how to get a promo code introductory offer.
Screening process is rigorous!
CP pride themselves on their low acceptance rate for psychics, and say that only approximately 2-3% of all the people interviewed get hired, which is reassuring to know that they are only choosing the best psychics, and this is reflected in the fact that I have had really good readings with them.
What kind of Readings do they offer?
Unlike some of the other top sites, CP keeps it simple by just offering phone readings – no online chat or text at this time.
Visit California Psychics - $1 per minute
CaliforniaPsychics.com website Special Features
What I really like about the California Psychics site is the way that you can search by tools, subjects, abilities and also price, meaning that if I want a say a tarot reading, by a clairvoyant that is inspiration and deals with my love life, I can do that! They also have the option to specify if you would rather find someone who doesn’t use any tools. I don’t have a problem with people using tools but I know that some do so it’s a handy feature.
Inspirational, Compassionate or Straightforward Reader Styles
The readings style choice is another really great feature with Inspirational, Compassionate, and Straightforward. I know some people really like a no fluff/no sugar coating kind of reading whereas some prefer a more warm style so having this choice is really useful.
Get the reader you want, when you want
Some of the readers can be busy at times, California Psychics have a scheduling and call back features, which I like as you can see at a glance when your chosen clairvoyant will be online and book a reading or call back for that time which is very convenient.
Daily horoscope & Blog
They have a daily horoscope which you can check or get sent to your email and it’s free which is always good! There’s loads of interesting psychic, love and relationship articles on their blog which is great as you can get a feel for the readers and learn new stuff.
California Psychic Promo Code & Introductory Offer
Currently CP are offering 75% off your first call to them. Their psychics vary in price range from $4 upwards, so you can get a reading for as low as $1 a minute at the moment, which is really great.
Make sure you go via the website for this as you may not be able to get discount if you ring.
Karma Rewards – Get Free Readings
What about those customers who use them regularly? They do get special offers too called Karma Rewards.
When you have readings or do other things at californiapsychics.com you get ‘Karma points’. You can save these up and get free readings, and I tend to use this to try out a new psychic for the first time, but you can use them however you like. You also get bonus discounts and things.
Who are the Best Psychics on California Psychics?
I get asked this question a lot so I will share with you my favourite readers. All these readers are in the mid range price bracket as I do not think it is necessary to pay the top amount to get a really good reading.
I’ve had good readings with:
Samantha– 6738- I’ve found Samantha to be spookily accurate at times and really kindhearted. She looks into your energy and gives direct reading. She has been awakened as a psychic in a very young age. She can do mediumship readings and look into your questions using energy readings, tarot cards and Spirit Guides.
Jean – 5132 – Honest and often picks up things that seem like they can’t be true but later on turn out to have a deeper meaning. She also uses the Akashic Records which I find interesting.
Abrielle – 9894 – Abrielle doesn’t use any tools, and is another fast and good reader with good mediumship skills, although her price has risen a bit recently.
PLEASE NOTE: You may not be able to get these top readers for the introductory offer, but one of the good things about CP is they have a really good quality level of readers so it doesn't matter.
Who’s your favourite California Psychic? Email me and let me know and the ones with the most votes will get put on the site!
California Psychics Customer Reviews
As well as my own positive experiences, I've had good feedback about their psychics. There's lots of great testimonials and feedback on the site, but also some mixed ones which is always a good sign since no reader is going to be 100% accurate all the time.
Some of the customer reviews from the website:
"I have had the pleasure of reading with Jean a few times. Each time I had specific questions that I wanted information about, which she was able to give. That’s what most of want when we call in to CP
…more importantly though, Jean answered questions that I hadn’t thought to ask. She helped me look both at small details and the big picture, as well as find the root of the problems that I was trying to solve. Thank you so much, Jean!!!"
"Krishni gives quick, detailed, and accurate insights into your concerns. She frames her feedback in a way that you know that has fully grasped the situation. My reading with her was extremely helpful in validating some of my concerns and bringing clarity to confusing issues. Thanks Krishni. You are a five star reader."
"I always wish I could take a snapshot of my journal, I can't make this stuff up. Among many topics, I also asked about the location of my gold necklace. Here's what Abrielle gave me "in a box, "storage", fabric pocket, check your pockets, you'll find it within 2". It's 9:15pm, 2 hrs after I spoke with you, in my bathroom cabinet and there it was in my makeup carry case side pocket! I've been searching for at least a month! You're the sweetest!"
"London was recommended by a friend for her accuracy, speed, clarity of message. She is able to answer your questions, and able to gather additional information with no prompting. Her clear answers were able to both bolster what I already knew with additional information, as well as provide me with new information - valuable insight that has truly helped guide me. Things are proceeding as she shared with me; I highly recommend London."
California Psychics - Final Thoughts
I’ve been using California Psychics for a couple of years now and I really like them, what with the great customer service, good website and most importantly the fact that I have had some really great readings.
In conclusion I am pleased to award
California Psychics with
'The Best Up and Coming Psychic Site'
current special offer - $1 dollar a minute
Or see my list of top psychics in my best psychic readings guide
My California Psychics Review,