Are you experiencing spiritual awakening symptoms?
Want to find out what they are and what to do next?
..Q. Do you feel as if you are changing
..........and strange things are happening
..........to your mind and body?
..Q. Have you noticed any unusual
.........coincidences lately?
..Q. Are you curious to find out more
.........about unusual subjects?
..Q. Do you find yourself looking for
.........inspiration to help you move
.........forward in life?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you may well be experiencing spiritual awakening symptoms and signs.
These feelings, though sometimes troubling, are an excellent indication that you are growing as a person and moving forwards spiritually. This is something that doesn’t tend to happen just once but resurfaces at various points in your life.
Further your Personal and Spiritual Development
Throughout my life I have gone through periods of feeling spiritual awakening symptoms, resulting in me feeling more alive, and at peace with the world and at one with myself and others. This has tended to resurface a bit deeper every few years.
But with the good comes the unwanted or strange symptoms as well, and through research and discussion with others I have compiled some of the most common spiritual awakening signs.
You may resonate with certain symptoms and not others that is normal. Either way feel blessed that you are on this journey, which will let you improve your life and those around you!
Emotional Spiritual Awakening Symptoms
A very common awakening sign is to feel washes of emotion rolling over you, and this can range from sadness to rage, happiness to bliss, feelings of deep love for strangers. The last symptom is something I felt very strongly after getting initiated into Reiki where you have a 21 day healing and awakening process.
1. Need to Live your Life Purpose
You feel at odds with your life or your background, perhaps wondering why you are in a certain job or with a particular partner. You are likely to feel yourself outgrowing people and situations that once seemed just right. As your journey progresses you will feel that you know what your life’s purpose is.
2. You Meet or Start Wanting to Meet a Soulmate
Many people find that they meet a soulmate right when these feelings have begun occurring and this is often because thanks to your spiritual growth you are now ready to meet and attract this person.
Discover more about How to Find your Soulmate.
3. Negative feelings
Anger, rage, sadness, irritation with others etc. This is because you are unearthing deep roots within yourself and if you have unresolved emotional issues from the past (or even issues you thought were resolved) it may be that you need to focus on these things a bit and deal with your past. If you have issues with a particular person you might find you can sort things out with them, sometimes not even needing to actually see them again but just visualising talking to them.
4. Positive feelings
Joy, love and happiness. As you open your mind, heart and body to loving energy these feelings often begin to flow. You may be moved by the humanity of others and feel a great sense of unity with others despite surface differences.
5. Feeling confused or chaotic
In the early stages of spiritual awakening, the symptoms often include a feeling of your life being out of control. Meditation and grounding exercises are a recommended treatment for this and in fact all side effects of spiritual awakening.
Physical Spiritual Awakening Symptoms
IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of these physical symptoms could also be a sign of something else, so make sure to check with your doctor or local health care provider if you notice anything unusual, or even get emergency advice since conditions such as heart attacks and strokes are much better treated (and survived!) with emergency medical treatment.
1. Weird things are happening to my body!
Feelings of pressure and even pain in your head, combined with feelings of tingling, vibrating or crawling sensations. This is because your crown chakra is opening which is very important for spiritual awakening. Having said that do check out any strange head pains with your doctor!
2. Sleep Patterns Change
Many people find that they sleep for a long time, or others find they don’t need so much sleep as before. Some people also experience tiredness even when sleeping more than is usual for them.
3. Skin Conditions
Skin is such a large organ that it can quickly reflect mental and physical changes and you may find things like rashes, eczema, hives, acne, shingles and warts appearing. This is because you are having a healing crisis and old allergies are being roused by old emotions. Also you may be ridding your body of some toxins.
4. My Eyes Are Changing!
Some people notice a change in their eyes from size to marks and even color. The whites of the eyes can appear different, sometimes more red.
5. Changes in Weight and Appetite
You may find yourself more or less hungry than before or have strange cravings. As time progresses you may find yourself more drawn to healthier foods with less desire to eat meat, junk food and so on.
6. Is it Me or is it Hot in Here?
Many people I have spoken to have experienced some kind of sweats, fevers and hot flashes when undergoing spiritual awakening symptoms.
7. Feelings of Vibration
You may find yourself feel like you are vibrating in some way or that someone is almost sucking at a straw something through you. As with many of the spiritual awakening symptoms, this is your body feeling and noticing the increased energy flow.
8. Enhanced Senses
Your sense of touch, smell, taste and hearing may change, becoming very sensitive, sometimes too sensitive. Like with any of these symptoms if they feel very intense you will most probably benefit from meditation and grounding exercises, which can help you, bring yourself into balance.
Spiritual Signs of Awakening
1. Strange Dreams
Your dreams become more intense or vivid and you find that you can remember them better. These dreams can then give you messages about the best way forward or let you know about issues that you need to openly deal with. If you have trouble remembering your adventures you can read my tips on how to remember your dreams.
More about How to Remember your Dreams
2. Love for all
You may well start feeling more connected with people but also animals and plants. Go out into the nature and enjoy this, it’s your instinct calling you to what can nourish your soul!
3. Psychic Development
You may begin to have moments of psychic clarity where you just know something to be true or not or whatever. Your intuition becomes stronger and it becomes easier to recognize and you find that you begin to notice instances synchronicity (coincidences that have a deeper meaning). You might even have out of body experiences or other psychic phenomena.
4. All is One
You will realize that everything and everyone is connected, and that in some way we are all intrinsically linked (spiritually) and this understanding will get stronger and deeper in ways that you never imagined, leaving you feeling compassion and love for humanity.
5. Creativity burst
At the heart of it, life and energy is powered by a type of creative principle. This principle can sadly be used for good and bad but when you learn how to channel it properly you will find that you need to express it somehow. This might be through art or music, or perhaps a deepening of your intuitive powers and psychic abilities, but could be anything that you choose to create and put energy into it.
You might be interested in reading 7 ways to develop your psychic abilities
Random Spiritual Awakening Symptoms
1. Electrics go funny on you
Don't worry it's not a ghost (well probably!). Bulbs or other electrical devices turn on and off randomly or electrical things behave oddly when you are around.
Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – What to Do
Have you experienced any of these signs? There are many more I could have included but these are some of the most common. You might have just a few or a lot.
If the symptoms are too intense (after checking with your doctor that it isn’t something else) then grounding and meditation exercises are very useful. You may find the need to spend more time with old friends or people that know you well, particularly in the early stages when you are just beginning to change.
I’ve found that a good psychic can really help too, particularly to help you sort out what is spiritual awakening and what is not, and also to give you some impartial but compassionate advice about what do next with your life. Of course there are some fake psychics out there so do be aware of that and ideally get a recommendation if you can.
Whether you feel many, all, one or none of those symptoms, the fact that you have come to this page shows that there is something going on within you.
Try and go with your spiritual awakening signs and enjoy it when possible – it will not always be easy and you may stop several times on your path, but if you keep following it, it will lead you to a happier and more fulfilling life.
Want to take your spiritual development to the next level?
Looking for a soulmate? Or trying to find your life's purpose?
If the answer to any of these is yes, a good psychic can provide valuable advice and guidance, as well as validation that you are (or aren't yet!) on the right path forward.
They can also help you seek a soulmate, or help you make life changes that will make you happier & healthier.
Spiritual awakenings are a good thing but can sometimes be unsettling and troubling as you move from one phase in your life to another so don't be afraid to get help.
Try a spiritual awakening reading with one of Psychic Source's phone psychics,
(currently doing a special offer of $1 per minute)
Or consult one of my favorite psychic email readers, Maria, who has given me some great emotional healing & spiritual tips and advice.
Spiritual Awakening Symptoms,